Getting Involved in the Harrison County MS Blogger Community

Are you looking for ways to get involved in the Harrison County MS blogger community? Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in your local community and to meet new people. Learn more about volunteering opportunities in Ocean Springs.

Getting Involved in the Harrison County MS Blogger Community

Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity institution, prohibiting discrimination in employment, programs, or university activities on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, U. S. veteran status, or any other condition protected by applicable law. Lieutenant Elias was responsible for a variety of administrative duties such as budgeting, purchasing oversight and human resources management. Are you looking for ways to get involved in the Harrison County MS blogger community? Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in your local community and to meet new people.

In Ocean Springs there are many opportunities to volunteer and help out with a range of activities. These activities include cleaning downtown Jackson, setting up computer labs for a Harrison County school district, cleaning up after a basketball tournament, washing cars, working at a local kennel and cleaning parks. Recently the Harrison County School District has been in the news due to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Mississippi. The ACLU of Mississippi attorney McKenna Raney-Gray stated that this attack by Harrison County School District leaders seeks to strip transgender students of their right to celebrate this important milestone as themselves. The Harrison County School Board attorney declined to comment on the lawsuit when asked by the media. The Harrison County School District Superintendent requested information about the dress code and inquired about what clothes transgender students were wearing to graduate. If you are looking for ways to get involved in the Harrison County MS blogger community and make a difference in your local community then volunteering is a great way to do so.

There are many opportunities available for volunteers in Ocean Springs and you can help out with a range of activities from cleaning downtown Jackson to setting up computer labs for a Harrison County school district.