Rules and Guidelines for Harrison County MS Bloggers

The Harrison County MS blogging community has a set of rules & guidelines essential for keeping the web open & welcoming to all. Learn about Executive Order 1539's mask-wearing mandate & HUD regulation 24 CFR 5.151.

Rules and Guidelines for Harrison County MS Bloggers

The Harrison County MS blogging community has a set of rules and guidelines that are essential for keeping the web open and welcoming to all. These regulations are important for ensuring that everyone is able to create and share content without fear of discrimination or exclusion. In addition, the county has two judicial districts, and at least one of the levee commissioners must reside in the district through which the levee line runs. The Legislature may also combine one or more of these offices in any county or counties, and will set the compensation accordingly.

Executive Order 1539's mask-wearing mandate has been extended to include Claiborne and Tunica counties, while Adams, Jefferson, Lawrence, Quitman, and Wilkinson counties have been removed from the mandate. The counties of Attala, Winston, Noxubee, Kemper, Leake, Neshoba, Lauderdale, Newton, Scott, Rankin, Clarke, Jasper, Smith, Simpson, Copiah, Franklin, Lincoln, Lawrence, Covington, Jones, Wayne, Greene, Perry, Marion, Pike, Pearl River, Hancock, Harrison and Jackson will never have less than forty-four representatives. The remaining counties of the state will also have no less than forty-four representatives. Should a new county be formed or if counties outside the territory encompassed by one or both of these levee districts are added, each new county will have the right to representation and membership in the appropriate board or boards.

The Fourth National Climate Assessment of the Change Research Program has found that climate-related natural hazards and extreme events disproportionately affect people in low-income households who belong to underserved communities. These individuals are less able to prepare for and respond to the impacts of extreme events and natural hazards due to disinvestment and historical discrimination. The value of real estate necessary for people from various counties to be members of such a board is set by law. In cases where judges who make up a chamber differ as to the judgment to be handed down in any case or if any judge within the time limit established by court rules certifies that a decision is in conflict with any previous decision of the court or any division of it, the case will be examined and tried by the full court or a quorum of it.

In addition to wearing masks in at least 50 counties included in the Safe Return Order, group gatherings must be limited to no more than 10 people indoors and no more than 50 people outdoors if social distancing is not possible. The new executive order imposed mask requirements in seven additional counties in Mississippi and requires hospitals to keep 10% of their capacity reserved for COVID-19 patients. The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulation, 24 CFR 5.151 states that affirmatively promoting fair housing means taking meaningful measures beyond combating discrimination that overcome patterns of segregation and promote inclusive communities without barriers that restrict access based on protected characteristics.

This includes providing assistance to affected populations in MID areas such as members of protected classes, vulnerable populations and underserved communities. CDBG-DR activities can mitigate environmental concerns and increase resilience among these populations so they can protect themselves against extreme weather events and other natural hazards. The grantor must indicate their decision to expand eligibility to an entire county or counties in their action plan. In all cases tried in a court of law, the right to appeal is guaranteed according to rules prescribed by law. No judge can preside over a trial for any cause they are interested in nor can parties or any of them be related to them by affinity or consanguinity without consent from both parties.

This order requires face coverings in nine Mississippi counties (Chickasaw, Claiborne, DeSoto, Forrest, Itawamba, Jackson, Lamar, Lee and Neshoba) as well as orders hospitals to reserve at least 10% of their capacity for COVID-19 patients.