Grants and Funding Opportunities for Bloggers in Harrison County, MS

Are you a blogger in Harrison County MS looking for grants or funding opportunities? Learn more about MPS grants & other resources available for public organizations.

Grants and Funding Opportunities for Bloggers in Harrison County, MS

Are you a blogger in Harrison County, MS looking for grants or funding opportunities? Look no further! MPS grants can provide funding solutions for any public organization. From new nonprofits to state governments, we have a unique understanding of funding mechanisms and strive to find efficient and effective solutions to your funding problems. We create partnerships through inter-governmental relationships so that purpose-driven organizations can achieve collective impact. This means that we help your organization create partnership networks to ensure that services are not duplicated, saving you time and allowing you to serve more people.

While funding is always limited, there are several other resources and assistance programs available. Nonprofit organizations can offer cash assistance and grants to individuals or agencies can refer people to other local services, such as federal government and Mississippi state assistance programs. For example, public assistance in Mississippi is aimed at low-income people and those living in poverty, as well as the disabled and elderly. Learn more about state public assistance. Free Christmas Programs: Across Harrison County, there are agencies that help low-income families during the holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter).

The Harrison County Division of Economic Assistance and Human Services administers several government assistance programs. The Isiah Fredricks Education Fund supports new educational projects in schools in Gulfport and Harrison County school districts, whose student population comes predominantly from low-income families. There are also boxes with free food, furniture for a home, and other immediate financial assistance in Harrison County. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Response Alliance provides support to Hancock, Harrison and Jackson counties. Free delivery of clothing, school supplies and furniture in Harrison County is available at several centers throughout the state and county, including in Gulfport.

Operation Round Up contributions are used in local areas of Hancock, Harrison, and Pearl River counties for non-profit, charitable, and educational purposes, including the Share Your Blessings energy assistance program. Years later, the fund continues to support local programs such as Friends of the Jackson County Animal Shelter Pets, Wild at Heart Rescue, Humane Society of South Mississippi, Wildlife Care and Rescue, Tired Dog Rescue, and Friends of the Animal Shelter of Hancock County. The Pat Santucci Education Fund supports projects that affect public education, educators, and also special education in Harrison, Hancock, Jackson, Stone, Pearl River, and George County school districts. The Coast Electric Community Trust Fund of the Gulf Coast Community Foundation funds Operation Round Up with voluntary contributions from members of the Cooperative. The Mary & Gene Levens Teaching Excellence Scholarship is honored to recognize teachers who continuously develop creative teaching solutions, demonstrate strong leadership skills, and are passionate about the role they play today in shaping tomorrow's future leaders. Harrison County agencies can provide a grant for a security deposit or help a family find a permanent home to live in. The Isiah Fredricks Education Fund provides grants each spring to new educational projects in schools in Gulfport and Harrison County school districts whose student population comes predominantly from low-income families.