Gain Expertise in Horticulture and Become an Education Leader in Harrison County, MS

Are you a blogger looking to gain expertise in horticulture? The Master Gardener Volunteer program provides the resources, information, and support you need to become an expert. The Harrison County School District has also established the Teacher Academy to train t

Gain Expertise in Horticulture and Become an Education Leader in Harrison County, MS

Are you a blogger looking to gain expertise in horticulture, meet other passionate gardeners, and share your gardening experiences? The Master Gardener Volunteer program is the perfect way to do just that. It's a low-cost program that provides the resources, information, and support you need to become an expert in the field. The Harrison County School District has also established the Teacher Academy to address the shortage of teachers in its schools. This initiative offers free training to parents and focuses mainly on literacy and effective communication.

Through this program, parents learn how to use the various PBS and MPB tools available at home to support learning. Since its inception, PATT has reached 467 families and impacted 763 children in 30 counties across Mississippi. The goal of the Teacher Academy is to train the next generation of education leaders who will hopefully return to teaching in Harrison County in the future. To find out more about OSHA training requirements in Gulfport, MS, contact OSHA program staff directly.